
AMEB Piano for Leisure Preliminary – Series 3

These videos are of all 11 pieces contained in the AMEB Piano for Leisure Preliminary – Series 3. Enjoy!

1. BACH, J C “Prelude”

2. BERLIN, B “March of the Goblins”

3. GOLDSTON, C “The Japanese Koto”

4. KOTCHIE, J “The Mischievous Basketball”

5. LADD, I “Butcher Boy Rag”

6. MORRICONE, E arr MILNE “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

7. MOZART, W arr BASTIEN “Aria”

8. NORTON, C “Driving Range”

9. SCHONMEHL, M “Sherlock Holmes”

10. STORER, S “Beginner’s Blues”

11. TRYNES, J “Hen-House Hoe-Down”