
AMEB Piano for Leisure Grade 3 – Series 3

These videos are of all 11 pieces contained in the AMEB Piano for Leisure Grade 3 Series 3. Enjoy!

1. Birch “Havanna Nights”

2. Bizet arr. Landing “Chanson Boheme”

3. Delibes arr. Gerou “Flower Duet”

4. Henley and Frey arr. Coates “Desperado”

5. Lennon and McCartney arr. Barker “Here There and Everywhere”

6. Mier “Jelly Bean Rag”

7. Mozart “Theme and Variation I”

8. Mozart arr. Faber and Faber “Theme from Symphony No. 40

9. Moser “Flying Bees”

10. Shearing arr. Wedgwood “Lullaby of Birdland”

11. Williams arr. Faber and Faber “Theme from Jurassic Park”